Signature Element

Signature Element

Electronic signatures are supported and can be added for certain elements. Signatures support several forms and include:

  • The signers name
  • The role of the signer
  • A string representation of what was signed
  • An optional binary data of the signature e.g. a scanned copy of the signature
  • An optional Creator Element.

Electronic signatures must be enabled in your Network otherwise they will not be available.

Signatures have the following required elements:

  • SignatoryFullName
  • SignatoryType
  • SignatureString
  • type attribute

The type attribute is defined in the XSD and is how the signature was captured.

The SignatoryType is defined in the XSD and is who's signature this is, the main client, an authorised signer or other.

In the case of simple text signatures, SignatureString is what was provided from the web form. This is usually the same as SignatoryFullName.

Basic Signature Element

The most basic signature has the following form:

Basic Signature Element
<Signature type="typed_signature">
    <SignatoryFullName>Bob Example</SignatoryFullName>
    <SignatureString>Bob Example</SignatureString>

Signature with Binary Data

It is possible to include file information containing the signature copy. This is added as a BinaryData element and has the following structure:

Signature with Binary Data
<Signature type="uploaded_image">
    <SignatoryFullName>Bob Example</SignatoryFullName>
    <SignatureString>Bob Example</SignatureString>
        <Data><!-- base64 encoded data --></Data>

All elements in BinaryData are required.

The Data itself should be base64 encoded and to keep file sizes reasonable, the image should be resized for web usage and be in either grey scale or black and white.

Adding binary data will substantially increase the size of the XML files leading to longer processing times.

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