Export Considerations

Export Considerations

The Link2Feed DEF expects a single Household per file in a single folder. The files can be named using any scheme you wish, provided they are unique and end with .xml (lowercase).

For example: if you have 4,000 household records, there will be 4,000 files. Ensure that the file system you are using allows for large numbers of files per folder, or selectively export in batches. This could be by date, sub-folder etc.

The actual import is currently handled manually and will be processed by Link2Feed on an as-needed basis, so complex folder structures are permitted.

Dates and Times

The Link2Feed system internally uses UTC for all date/time fields. Anywhere that a date/time is specified in the XSD should therefore be a UTC date and time. A UTC date/time will be auto-converted to local time upon display to the end user.

Where only the date component is specified, it is the local date and timezone information is not needed.

Monetary Values

Any money value must specify the currency the amount is in. The currency is set using the ISO 3 character name. Most common values are defined in the XSD.


The Country is always referenced using the ISO 3 character country code e.g. CAN, USA etc. The common values are encoded in the XSD.

Country States / Provinces

Where the information is available, a country's states (provinces) are pre-loaded into the Link2Feed system. These are then defined within the XSD. When specifying the State component of the address, the full un-abbreviated name should be used and it should match the XSD.

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