XML Schema Definition
To help validate and complete the XML format, an XSD has been created. The XSD is generated by the portal once your Network has been created and setup. The XSD is tailored to your specific Networks configuration.
Generating Your XSD
To access the import tools the following permissions are required:
- Network Administrator
- Exporter
The Import Tools are available from the Administration section of the portal main menu.
Clicking on Import Tools will then list the available options. Click the button "Get Your Network XSD" to download the XSD.
The XSD is generated automatically from your Network settings and is always up-to-date.
Organization List
When importing client (Person) records, an owning Organization must be set for each record. This is flagged by the use of an Organization element that contains the UUID of the owning organization. The list of Organization UUIDs is embedded into the XSD but is also available as a CSV download from the Import Tools area. Your XML must use only the values defined in the XSD / CSV file.
Enumeration Lists
The following elements are defined via enumeration lists: these elements must only contain the values defined in the enumeration list. Many of these items are customisable via the Lists admin tool, others are set by the platform and cannot be changed. These lists reference the XSD element name.
Link2Feed Defined Enumerations
- ActivityRecordType
- ActivityRecordStatusType
- AddressReferenceType
- AddressStateType
- CitizenshipType
- CountryType
- CSFPStatusType
- CurrencyType
- EducationHighestLevelType
- EmailAddressContactType
- EmploymentStatusType
- EthnicityType
- GenderType
- HousingStatusType
- Language Type
- MaritalStatusType
- MoneyTransactionType
- MoneyTransactionUnitType
- NoteOwnerType
- NoteMessageType
- PhoneNumberContactType
- RelationshipType
- SelfIdentityType*
- SignatoryType
- SignatureAcquisitionType
* Type may allow for some level of customization based on Country / Network settings.
Network Defined Enumerations
- DietaryConsiderationType
- ExpenseSourceType
- IdentificationType
- IncomeSourceType
- OrganizationAgencyType
- ProvidedItemProvisionType
- ReferredToAgencyType
- ReferredByAgencyType
- SocialProgramType
- VisitReasonType
Depending on the Network configuration and country requirements not all of these will have values (expenses, income, dietary and others are optional data tracking items).