Complex Single Client

Complex Single Client

This is an example of the level of data that can possibly be recorded in a Person.

<Household uuid="...">
    <Organization uuid="..."/>
        <Address type="residential">
            <AddressLine1>The Main Street</AddressLine1>
            <City>Some City</City>
            <State>Some Place</State>
            <Postcode>Some Where</Postcode>


        <Expense type="rent">
            <Value currency="USD">850.00</Value>

        <Person uuid="123" primary="true">
            <Organization uuid="..."/>


                <Income type="full_time_employment" primary="true">
                    <Value currency="USD">1850.00</Value>
                <Income type="social_assistance" primary="false">
                    <Value currency="USD">285.15</Value>


                    <EmailAddress primary="true" type="personal">bob.smith@example.com</EmailAddress>
                    <PhoneNumber type="home" primary="true">
                    <PhoneNumber type="work" primary="false">

            <CSFPInfo id="...">
                <Location uuid="..."/>
                        <Signature type="signed_canvas">
                            <SignatoryFullName>Bob Smith</SignatoryFullName>
                            <SignatureString>Bob Smith</SignatureString>
                                <Data><!-- a base64 encoded binary string of JPEG data, no examples to hand --></Data>

                <DietaryConsideration type="dairy_allergy"/>
                <DietaryConsideration type="diabetic"/>

Remember: it is one Household per file.

Note: some of these options are country dependent and may not be applicable to your country. Always refer to your XSD.

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