Link2Feed HTTP Export API (Discontinued)

Link2Feed HTTP Export API (Discontinued)

This document outlines the technical details of the HTTP Export API as introduced in https://link2feed.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LDM/pages/1955725464

NOTE: This API has been discontinued. If you are interested in receiving data from Link2Feed, please contact your account manager for alternative options.

What is the HTTP Export API?

The core mechanism behind this suite is providing a JSON payload from a TLS/SSL-secured connection to a RESTful HTTP API. This system has access to both Intake and CACFP/SFSP data.

Data is available either anonymized, or fully identified. The connection security is managed through an IP address allow-list and an API key.

The system’s query access is very limited: it can only return the results of “Which records were updated during a given time period?” It is designed as a synchronization endpoint for data warehouse/lake/repository solutions.

How Do I Access It?

Reach out to your Link2Feed Account manager, who will work to amend your current contract and coordinate with the Link2Feed support team to do the initial setup.

The Link2Feed support team will provide connection details including an access endpoint URL and an API Key.


Swagger YML File

The HTTP Export API is best documented with the Swagger API documentation utility. This file can be imported into the Swagger Editor and used to either review the expected format of the requests and output, or with the API Key provided by Link2Feed, the Swagger Editor can query live data for easy sampling. The Swagger Editor can be accessed at https://editor.swagger.io/


Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

The underlying record of visits within the Link2Feed system is best represented by the documentation for our Database Access Suite: https://link2feed.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LDM/pages/2247196796/Link2Feed+Database+Access+Suite#Entity-Relationship-Diagram-(ERD)

Sample Response

The following represents the expected response format for visit entries:

{ "visits": [ { "primary_client_id": 12345, "household_id": 54321, "activity_id": 98738, "housing_type": { "name": "unhoused", "parent": {}, "data_type": "housing_type" }, "program": { "id": 111, "name": "Pantry Visit", "type": "food_bank", "summary": "Visit to a Food Bank" }, "organization": { "id": 261, "organization_type": "agency", "name": "Sample Agency", "short_name": "SAMP" }, "referred_by": { "referral_type": { "name": "other_food_bank_program", "parent": {}, "data_type": "referral_type" } }, "total_members": 1, "total_items": 4, "total_weight": 50, "total_value": 0, "total_value_currency": { "iso_code": "USD" }, "total_income": 1200, "primary_income_type": { "name": "part_time_employment", "parent": { "name": "employment_income", "parent": {}, "data_type": "income_type" }, "data_type": "income_type" }, "total_expenses": 1100, "total_net_income": 100, "visit_date": "2015-09-21T00:00:00-0400", "visit_date_time": "2015-09-21T12:00:00-0400", "visit_provisions": [ { "label": "Green Beans", "quantity": 4, "units": "items", "currency": { "iso_code": "USD" }, "weight": 0.5, "value": 1, "total_value": 4, "total_weight": 2 } ], "visit_referrals": [ { "referred_to": { "referral_type": { "name": "no_referral", "parent": {}, "data_type": "referral_type" } } } ], "household_members": [ { "first_name": "Sally", "middle_name": "Q", "last_name": "Fakename", "date_of_birth": "1969-03-13T00:00:00-0500", "gender": "female", "client_id": 23943, "id": 238498, "age_at_time_of_visit": 46, "is_dob_estimated": false, "person_type": "Adult", "first_food_bank_visit": "2015-03-04", "head_of_household": true, "status": { "name": "active", "parent": {}, "data_type": "client_status" }, "marital_status": { "name": "divorced", "parent": {}, "data_type": "marital_status" }, "education_type": { "name": "undisclosed", "parent": {}, "data_type": "education_type" }, "employment_type": { "name": "part_time", "parent": {}, "data_type": "employment_type" }, "relationship_type": { "name": "parent", "parent": {}, "data_type": "relationship_type" }, "referred_by": { "referral_type": { "name": "other_food_bank_program", "parent": {}, "data_type": "referral_type" } }, "ethnicities": [ { "name": "white_anglo", "parent": {}, "data_type": "ethnicity_type" } ], "self_identifies_as": [ { "name": "veteran", "parent": {}, "data_type": "self_identity_type" } ], "social_programs": [ { "name": "SNAP", "parent": {}, "data_type": "social_program_type" } ], "record_type": "identified" } ], "household_dietary_considerations": [ { "dietary_consideration": { "name": "no_limited_cooking_equipment", "parent": { "name": "other_specify", "parent": {}, "data_type": "dietary_consideration" }, "data_type": "dietary_consideration" } } ], "household_income": [ { "household_member_id": 238498, "income_type": { "name": "part_time_employment", "parent": { "name": "employment_income", "parent": {}, "data_type": "income_type" }, "data_type": "income_type" }, "currency": { "iso_code": "USD" }, "amount": 1200, "is_primary": true } ], "household_expenses": [ { "household_member_id": 238498, "expense_type": { "name": "rent", "parent": {}, "data_type": "expense_type" }, "currency": { "iso_code": "USD" }, "amount": 1100 } ], "household_languages": [ { "name": "English", "iana_code": "en" } ], "notes": [ { "note": "Sample note about this visit.", "importance": "High" } ], "visit_reasons": [ { "name": "loss_of_job", "parent": {}, "data_type": "visit_reason_type" } ], "household_address": { "address_type": "residential", "address_line1": "123 Main Street", "address_line2": "Apt 4", "city": "Detroit", "state": "Michigan", "ward": "Wayne", "postcode": "48226", "country": { "name": "United States of America", "iso3_code": "USA" }, "latitude": null, "longitude": null }, "household_member_contact_info": [ { "household_member_id": "238498", "sub_type": "home", "value": "3125551212", "is_primary": true, "type": "phone", "properties": {} } ] } ], "meals": [ { "id": 54321, "meal_service_id": 12345, "date": "2015-09-21T00:00:00-0400", "organization": "Kids Cafegency", "address_line_1": "123 Nowhere Street", "address_line_2": "Unit 4134", "city": "Detroit", "state": "Michigan", "postcode": "48226", "phone": "(555) 555-1212", "fax": "(555) 555-1234", "contact_name": "Sally Sample", "position": "Director of Food Services", "contact_email": "ssample@kidscafe.com", "contact_phone": "(555) 555-2345", "meal_type": 2, "meal_style": 8, "participant_id": 12345, "p_first_name": "Billy", "p_last_name": "Sample", "p_middle_name": "T.", "p_dob": "2008-04-09", "p_age": 10, "p_particiapnt_type": "Child", "p_lunch_type": 4, "p_gender": 1, "p_ethnicity": "[4,5]", "attendances": 1, "first_meals": 1, "second_meals": 1, "third_meals": 1 } ] }


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